Maximalist poster with vibrant greens and yellow. Juliette (white fem person) is positioned at the top surrounded by leaves. Underneath them is 3 posters with pictures from the COP 26 March, with text that reads “no more greenwash, no more lies, Boris Johnson hear our cries” divided up across the 3 columns. Underneath this is Van Gogh’s starry night with text written ontop in a pale yellow; a picture of Helen (a white female with brown hair) with her name drawn in red calligraphy in front and behind her with doodles surrounding her. Next to this on the right is a 3D text in dark orange with the bottom section crumbling off. The writing reads Earth’s Ruins. Underneath these is black serif font which reads Juliette with exaggerated curves on the end of the letters. Surrounding the poster is large green leaves drawn on in an illustrative style.

Christmas Poster


Prepare an A3 poster displaying your best work from first semester for the Digital Media Design Christmas mini-exhibition.

My Idea

For my Christmas poster, I knew that I wanted to include my website design as the main focal point as this is where I have spent the most of my time in first semester and what I am most proud of.

As seen on my home page, I have used a theme for my website of hand drawn Pothos leaves with yellow accents, with an illustrative theme, following my illustration task that I created in the style of David Milan. I decided that I wanted to use the border that I created for my home page, as the border for the poster.

From here, I then decided what pieces of work I wanted to feature on the poster. I chose out my promotional piece, illustrative task and logo design for both my website logo and my game logo.

Once I had chosen out all of the pieces to include, I decided that I wanted to create a border around the images using the two accent colours of green and yellow at a reduced opacity. Underneath you can see a video of the process of creating the poster.

See all year 1 work